The homologation of foreign qualifications is a procedure that you must follow if you want to pursue a profession in Spain with your studies and here we will explain how to homologate your qualification in the country.

Homologation allows access to a regulated profession, entails the possibility of exercising said regulated profession with the same conditions as holders of a Spanish degree.

To homologate a foreign degree in Spain that gives access to a profession regulated in our country, it has become one of the most requested procedures for our immigration lawyers.

Our lawyers tell us the importance that this matter is taking and make a reflection that we recommend to all our readerss.


The homologation, which involves both academic and professional aspects, andIt is a different and normatively differentiated concept to the recognition of professional qualifications.

Have a double object:
1.- The equivalence of the degree and the academic level.
2.- The validation of periods of foreign studies of higher education by the corresponding Spanish university studies.

You can request the homologation of all those Spanish Bachelor or Master degrees that give access to the exercise of any of the regulated professions, by requirement of an official Spanish university degree, and is governed by the procedures provided for in the current royal decree.

For more information read our post HERE.


To homologate a foreign qualification in Spain, must meet the following conditions:
  1. These must have been issued by a competent authority of the country of origin.
  2. Prove that its holder meets the level of studies requirements demanded in Spain for access to Bachelor's or Master's degree training.
  3. Prove that its holder has passed a full cycle of post-secondary studies that accredits an academic level equivalent to that of the Bachelor's or Master's degrees.
  4. Prove that they have obtained the training competencies of the degree to which the homologation is requested.
  5. Payment of the fee required by the administration, not subject to the application period.

Do you need to homologate a foreign qualification in Spain?

  • If you are posing new and real professional challenges, in LEVANTIA ABOGADOS, we take care of homologate foreign degrees in Spain, from higher education to official Spanish university degrees or Master's degrees that give access to a regulated profession in Spain, without the need to come to Spain to do so.
Leave this procedure to the best professionals. Contact our immigration lawyer without any obligation.
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